The lungs are part of the respiratory system located above the diaphragm at the chest through which we breathe to live. During breathing process, pure oxygen enters into the lungs and gets absorbed into the bloodstream. When our lungs get affected by diseases or abnormalities, it typically affects the normal process of breathing. The symptoms and hazards associated with lung diseases can vary depending on the disease progression and how it affected the lung along with its neighbouring area.
Any lung problem that prevents its proper function can be regarded as lung disease. Three major types of lung diseases are common:
Diseases in the airway that affects the airways or tubes carrying oxygen, carbon dioxide or other gases in and out of the lungs. Narrowing or blocking of the airways is a typical problem in airway diseases.
When larger airways (bronchitis) or the smaller air sacs (pneumonia) get infected then it is referred as chest infection. This is associated with pus and fluid (mucus) build-up resulting the airways to become swollen and breathing difficult.
Some common forms of lung diseases are: Lung cancer; Tuberculosis; Pneumonia; Asthma
Common cause of lung diseases
Cigarette smoking has been found to be the primary cause of diseases associated with the lungs and are also the major reason of lung cancer, one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed. Exposure to harmful chemicals (aerosols) and air pollution for longer duration makes you susceptible to lung diseases.
However, it is not the diseases alone that can affect your lungs. The defective lung condition can make you susceptible to Infections and call for breathing trouble. Breathing problems can cause disturbance in patterns of inhalation and exhalation of gases or absorb the amount of oxygen in blood.
Coughing and sneezing are other common issues that individuals usually suffer in lung diseases. Anxiety, air pollution or nose clogging can cause these problems. Sneezing and coughing are often accompanied by shortness of breath, uneasiness and loss of appetite. Stress can be regarded as a major cause of shortness of breath as when you get anxious, the muscles required for breathing get tightened making you breathe faster.
General Treatments for lung problems
Several types of treatments and remedies are available for your respiratory disorder or breathing problems. Treatments should be given according to the age of the patient as well as the severity of the disease. The medicines available can be broadly classified into providing quick-relief or long-term control. Instant relief can be achieved through over the counter medicines such as antibiotics, inhalers, nebulizers, and cough lozenges.
But, if your problem persists for weeks and in case of emergency, you should consult doctors immediately and seek hospital support as you may need to be given an external oxygen supply. Some patients may also require physiotherapy for long-term control treatment. Even surgery is recommended for patients suffering from pleural cavity diseases, restrictive lung diseases, pulmonary vascular diseases and respiratory tumours.
So, regular check-up from reputed and trusted hospital facilities such as Manipal Hospitals (Respiratory Sciences) having a respiratory specialist to treat lung diseases and respiratory diseases is recommended at the early stage of your symptoms. Follow a healthy regime, including moderate diet with regular exercise to enjoy a healthy and long life.

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